All home improvement projects at the Bormann household take three attempts! And we are on round three for the fireplace mantel and are getting close to completion! So what is left? Right now Keith is working on a thin board that goes underneath the mantel, then we are still determining our best option for the top board. Then all that will need to be done is to stain it and mount it onto the bricks.
Keith's parents have many hours of wood staining under their belts and have offered to help stain it when they come visit in two weeks. So we are on a timeline to completion! I'm still not certain what shade of stain I will use, most likely something similar to the rest of our woodwork even though I'm not a big fan of the color of our woodwork. Then I'm thinking about spray painting the doors/gold insert either black or a nickel silver color. I need to look into it a little further, I'm guessing I might need a special type of paint and I don't want to mess it up.
This is our temporary mantel! Like it? We will sell it to you!
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