We have purchased a lot of diapers in the past 15 months, but I haven't tried a lot of brands. I hate to spend a lot of money on a pack and not like them. For the most part I have been a little bit of a diaper snob sticking to Pampers Cruisers. I have tried Huggies and don't mind them, but the Cruisers are a little bit cheaper. I like the Cruisers because they are thin, soft and I haven't had too many issues with them leaking. The Pamper Dry Fit work fine, but aren't as soft as the Cruisers.
A friend recently recommended I try the Target Up & Up diapers and gave me a couple to try. They are pretty soft, thin and so far I haven't had too many issues with them. I think they are pretty comparable to the Cruisers. Since they change the boys' diapers about every 2 hours at daycare I thought I would save a little bit of money by using the Up & Up diapers at daycare and I use the Pampers at home.
Here is the cost comparison:
Target Up & Up (Size 5)
$13.96 box of 70 = .19 cents a diaper
Pampers Cruisers (Size 5)
$41.99 box of 124 = .33 cents a diaper
*At Babies R Us
I buy my Pampers at Babies R Us because if you have their rewards card for every 10 boxes you buy, you get a box free! (I believe this applies to all the brands they carry) I have gotten 2 free boxes so far. Also, they often will give you a $10 or $15 gift card if you buy a couple boxes at once. So I try to only buy them when they have a deal like that. Sometimes I find manufacturer coupons too.
I have tried the Target Up & Up wipes twice now and Keith and I don't like them so we won't be buying them again.
Any of you have any recommendations of what you really like?
I'm a diaper and wipe snob too Jess...we use the Pampers Cruisers and use Huggies wipes ONLY!! I refuse to use anything else!! I like the softness on the outside of the cruisers and the Huggies wipes are by far more wet (wetter if that's a word) than the Pampers wipes. We were told by a guy none the less before the boys were born to NEVER buy an off brand of diapers and we've taken his word for it!! Diaper snobs we are!!
I love these opinion posts...it really does help to see what others like!! I know we aren't advanced users of diapers yet but so far we like the pampers. We have tried huggies but I am with you that pampers are a little cheaper. We had been getting ours at target because they are about a cent cheaper per diaper than babies r us....but I am going to change now that you mentioned that rewards option at babies r us!!!
The whole wipe thing....pampers sensitive are horrible (not wet at all). We have now started buying ours at costco...this was eric and kelly's recommendation....and so far so good.
I love this Jess! I am an Up & Up diaper user. I switched from Huggies after a lady at daycare mentioned them. They are great I have never had a problem with them. Sorry you had no luck with the Target wipes...we love them and use them all the time. I'm surprised with the amount of fruit your boys eat that you have any issues with clean up :) Seems it would just wipe right off!! Love your posts!
I am a big pamper diaper user, especially when it's a brand new baby.... Logan was only 6 lbs and I could only find pampers swaddlers that would fit her. Generic wet wipes never worked for us. It's worth spending more on the wipes, we think. The name brand wipes are softer and seem to come out of the container easier. I prefer Huggies wet wipes, but do not like Huggies diapers. I always found that they leaked / pee went out the sides of them. I bought generic diapers once Shayne was in size 2 and never had any problems (usually Sam's or Target).
Great idea for a post. I love reading everyone else's comments and seeing the feedback on what is preferred after trying different brands.
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