Thursday, November 1, 2012

My 4 year olds

Almost two weeks in and we have been busy being 4!
Last Friday we took all 3 kiddos in for well appointments- where's the 3 for 1 special???  Dylan loves going to the doctor, the night before he was bouncing in bed on his knees - "we get to go to the doctor tomorrow".  I have a feeling opinions have forever changed. The big news at this appointment was SHOTS….duh…duh….duuuuhhhhh.  Generally these two do pretty darn well with shots, but they are getting to age where kids talk, share stories….make that horror stories:)  Usually with them if I tell them ahead of time they are pretty good about it, so early last week I start prepping and right away I started hearing shots hurt.  Turns out, at 4 you only need the flu shot, but you can do the pre-k shots at 4 so our pediatrician asked if we wanted too.  They were expecting shots and I figured it would only get worse as they got older.  So there we were - 11 shots, for 3 kids!
This is the first year we debated if we should bring one out of the room while the other gets the shot.  I decided that would probably psych out the other one waiting even worse and hoped Dylan wouldn't say a word while getting them.  Overall, both were really good. No tears, but I did get a bit of yelling, it was funny both almost laughed during but it was more of a pain laugh.  I wish I had a video of Carter after, he was basically walking on his tip toes, as if he were walking on glass.  Now they tell me shots hurt, I'm never getting shots again.  Not even when I'm older:)  

Here are the stats:

Weight:  37 lbs, 58%
Height 39.25", 25%

Weight:  38.8 lbs, 72%
Height:  40", 41%

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