Monday, May 9, 2011

It's looking like a house!

The house is finally to a stage where it feels like a real house!!! You can actually walk through and have a sense of all the rooms. This week they should start the roof and siding and I imagine the windows will be in soon as well. I was a little nervous how the roof line would turn out, but I'm pretty happy with how it has come together. Today I spent about 4 hours (and I bet another 30 searching online) finalizing the light order with my mom and sister! Thank you Jennifer for your patience! This has definitely been one of the hardest tasks since there are so many to choose from. I still have to finalize the pendants that go over the island, but I think I have decided on those. So my last hard decision will be working on tile and as soon as I have a sample of the granite I should be able to make a decision there.

One of Keith's best friends from college, who is a landscape architect, was so kind to design a landscape plan for us. It is pretty cool, I'll have to take a pic of the illustration and post it on here. Of course it is a long term plan, starting with a tree or two this year, then we'll just add a little bit every summer.

This is one of the best spots in the house!  My bathtub!!  I like to take baths everyday, so I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to NOT share a bathtub with my kids!  Every night when I step into it, it's loaded with toys or the other day, the minute I stepped in I could feel all kinds of sand left-over from a hard day of play, then I always get excited for a tub to myself. 

This window is at the top of the priority list for curtains:)

It is a good stage to take pics since the drywall hasn't been hung, you can get a sense of the entire house.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking great. Fun to see.


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