Thursday, July 15, 2010

Clothes, who needs them?

I was standing at the kitchen sink tonight and turned around to this, couldn't help but laugh as he was so serious about taking his shorts off.
Sometimes they really want their clothes on and cry when we try to change them, other nights we can barely keep the clothes on!  Based on the look of Dylan shirt and the now stretched neck of Carter's shirt, I don't think these shirts have many miles left!

No shorts for Dylan, No shirt for Carter!
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1 comment:

Mike and Sarah said...

This made me laugh so much! I hate to tell you, but this will be a problem for a while. My first graders are constantly stretching their shirts out during school. I even had to go so far as to send a mass e-mail apologizing for the wardrobe restocking that must've taken place after their shirts were no longer wearable! How would've thought?!


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