Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bedtime Battles

We knew it wouldn't be long before Carter and Dylan's new nighttime freedom would begin to cause trouble!  For the past week, bedtime has been a struggle!  The days of walking back, putting them into bed and closing the door are gone! 
Now they like to get in and out of bed and open and close the door.  And if one is tired, the other gets him going. And who is tired when you are having fun?  With both in the same room they just egg each other on.  So many nights have consisted of a combination of us holding the door shut, taking their pacifiers away while they are out of bed, Keith sitting in the room and laying them back down every time they get up, you name it - we are trying it.  You would think getting in and out of bed 20 times would make one tired, but it just winds these two up.
Yesterday for nap they pulled a fast one on Grandpa Karl.  They were about asleep and Keith and I had to go pick something up and when we returned, two little boys were running around.  I was just glad to see Karl wasn't tied up!
Today we were lucky, Carter fell asleep sitting with Susie, so we just had to lay him down.  Then I sat with Dylan for about 5 minutes patting his back and he fell asleep pretty quick.  This worked much better than the pacifier battle, but only works if you are two on two.  Otherwise the other will run around crazy while you are trying to get the other to sleep. 
Tonight after a 20 minute battle of getting them into their beds, which they each ended up in bed with about 5 blankets and a book only took me holding the door for 10 minutes before the settled down.  We'll survive, just another toddler battle.

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