Monday, October 29, 2012

In domestic news….

We managed to actually do some useful things around the house this weekend.  I've always heard you are supposed to seal your granite once a year.  So back in July I bought some stuff to clean, polish and seal.  Four months later, Keith did the clean / polish.  AMAZING, can't believe how smooth the counters are.

(quick blogging break due to an entire mug of ice water spilled in my lap - better water than pop, better my lap than my computer)

Then we did a serious fridge cleaning, not the kind where you just throw away 90% of expired foods. The kind where you take the shelves out and scrub them down.  I feel like hot dogs have reduced their expiration, I suppose they have their reasoning.

The boys started playing a game - in the pantry- with the door shut.  This is one of those moments where you debate if you should fear what may be happening behind that closed door with laughing, knowing there are things like spaghetti sauce in there or enjoy 10 minutes of peace and deal with the aftermath later. This one worked out pretty well, the were pretending they spilled spaghetti sauce and had to clean it up, which continued…..

Dylan even got the trash can and snack box out to throw away any extra wrappers or old things.  Not sure what all he found, I did have a bite of one of the zip lock bag of cheez its he was enjoying (definitely in there for a while, I only had ONE)

Carter was so proud of their work and kept telling me dad is going be REALLY happy because the house was so clean.  So I told him we should pick up some toys too.  He said, they are, it's really clean in here.  You sure buddy??? So apparently this is sparkling clean in his eyes!  He was cracking me up all day, I would tell him, you are making me laugh and he would say I'm not being funny.

Then onto my car.  Keith thought it could use a scrub.  The boys had a blast with this, but anything that involves a hose is usually a hit around here.  Even managed to recruit two neighbor boys to help out too.  Both boys told me washing the car was their favorite thing on Sunday (which surpassed a super sweet frog hunt - I'll share more on that later).

Olivia wanted to watch all those boys clean the car too:)

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