Wow, what a rainy weekend and I must say, the gloomy weather made me extra tired and I was in bed by 10:30 on Friday and Saturday! I'm usually tired on Friday nights, but I had no excuses on Saturday, I was just tired.
We did spend a lot of time shopping this weekend! Saturday morning we went to the EP mall because they have a big play area for kids. We hit up a couple deals at Baby Gap while we were there, 40% off all clearance items! Later that afternoon, Keith let me sneak out for a couple hours to do some shopping and I ended up getting a little something for everyone. I picked up the boys some jean shorts and bought Keith and myself a couple things at American Eagle. I am pretty sure I am to old to shop there, but I found a couple deals, so I guess we can fit in with the high schoolers! It seemed like every store I walked into had a big discount!
Saturday night we went over to our neighbors for Hunter's birthday party. And before the evening was over, five little boys were running around without their shirts off. Lots of screaming and yelling, good thing we are all adjusted to wild boys!
Today was my day to get up with the boys and they woke up at 7:00!!!! AWESOME!!! I think that has only happened maybe one other time. And we basically spent today shopping as well! We got groceries at Target, went to Kohls and a few other stores and then later after the boys' nap we went to the Burnsville mall. We've only been there once, but I heard there was a play area there so we checked it out. It didn't have any slides so the boys were more interested in running out of the play area. So I don't think we will do that one again!

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