Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It was one of those kinds of days!

What a busy day, I am feeling a little bit like Carter is representing above!  Today was not a typical day, but somewhat hectic, especially with Keith out of town. Good thing my mom is here.  Here is how it went!

I had a conference call at 8:00, so I made sure we left the house extra early in order to get ever "happily" dropped off at daycare and to get on the call.  And somehow, kids just know those are the best days to sleep in!  Each day this week they have started waking up 5-6ish, today I had to wake Dylan up!

Did the conference call in the parking lot of the dentist office and then cut the call short to have a cavity filled... never a great way to start the day!

Next it was back to work and a scheduled 2 hour meeting was cancelled, which was super helpful!

Then we had our annual agency summer event all afternoon.  This was a fun afternoon out of the office, but bad timing with Keith being out.  We were in the NorthEast, so I left right at 5:00 hoping i would manage to make it to daycare by 6:00.  Boy am I happy I DO NOT work downtown!  Inching through traffic at 5 mph made me a little nervous that I would not make it by 6:00.  We made it to daycare with a few minutes to spare!

Looking forward to Keith returning tomorrow and praying for a safe flight.

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