Keith and I have to break up a lot of fights these days! Believe it or not, this round was more fun than harm.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Dylan Art
Step 1: Open one can of Play Doh
Step 2: Stab as many crayons into the can of Play Doh as possible
Dinner without Goldfish!
We had a little date night last night!! WOO HOO!!! We have only been out by ourselves a couple times since the boys have been born and not once in 2010! Keith had a babysitter lined up for my bday/Valentines day and that fell through, then we had a big date day planned and this happened.
Our neighbors, Beth and Mitch, were so kind to take the boys for a few hours so we could go out to dinner. We ate at Kona Grill in Eden Prairie, made a quick trip to Target (boring, I know), and then went to Crave to for dessert. Dinner was delicious and the best part of the entire dinner was simply getting up to leave. No clean up needed! Generally when we go to dinner with the boys, we go straight to the main course, eat dinner quickly and are usually packed up and ready to go before the waiter can even ask if we want dessert. So we were both excited to indulge into an amazing dessert. I had this fabulous molten chocolate lava cake at Crave one other time, so we made a special trip to have it again. But were both disappointed when what we ordered was something completely different and was not at all worth the calories.
Of course we didn't let it ruin our night. We were back to Beth and Mitch's by 8:00, brought the boys home and I was in bed by 10:00! I think the boys had a good time playing with Hunter and Mason and of course all their super cool toys. Thanks again for watching the boys!

Our neighbors, Beth and Mitch, were so kind to take the boys for a few hours so we could go out to dinner. We ate at Kona Grill in Eden Prairie, made a quick trip to Target (boring, I know), and then went to Crave to for dessert. Dinner was delicious and the best part of the entire dinner was simply getting up to leave. No clean up needed! Generally when we go to dinner with the boys, we go straight to the main course, eat dinner quickly and are usually packed up and ready to go before the waiter can even ask if we want dessert. So we were both excited to indulge into an amazing dessert. I had this fabulous molten chocolate lava cake at Crave one other time, so we made a special trip to have it again. But were both disappointed when what we ordered was something completely different and was not at all worth the calories.
Of course we didn't let it ruin our night. We were back to Beth and Mitch's by 8:00, brought the boys home and I was in bed by 10:00! I think the boys had a good time playing with Hunter and Mason and of course all their super cool toys. Thanks again for watching the boys!

Saturday, May 29, 2010
A beautiful day!
Last night I was exhausted and we went to bed at 10:00! And even better, Keith got up with the boys and I slept until almost 10:00. I was woken up by two little boys, each giving me a little yellow flower and huge smiles. They were so cute and proud giving them to me. Good idea boys!
Keith and I decided to take the boys on their first picnic, so we took them to Minnehaha Falls. It is pretty close to our house, but we had never been there. It was absolutely beautiful outside all day. They fell asleep before we even got there.
I'm not sure what their opinion was on the picnic. I think they had fun!
Keith and I decided to take the boys on their first picnic, so we took them to Minnehaha Falls. It is pretty close to our house, but we had never been there. It was absolutely beautiful outside all day. They fell asleep before we even got there.
I'm not sure what their opinion was on the picnic. I think they had fun!
They pretty much only ate the fruit we bought, they wouldn't touch their sandwiches.
They thought they were pretty big boys and climbed into their strollers, so we wrapped up the party and went home.
Oh boy!!!
Do I see two little boys climbing up a rock wall without somebody behind them? Daddy is getting brave! Apparently all the practice on the rock wall has now empowered them to attempt to climb out of their cribs. This morning when Keith went in to get the boys Carter had his leg up over the edge trying to escape. Then later today I put them down for naps and thought they were sleeping. About 15 minutes later I heard lots of laughing and jabbering from two awake boys. I cracked the door open to peak at them to see how they were entertaining each other. Then after a few minutes of spying I saw Dylan attempt to start climbing out so I quickly ran in to stop him, which was just in time because Carter had almost pulled himself out! I really need one of those video monitors.
Not sure what we are going to do??? My plan was to keep them in their cribs for as long as possible, like three! I took their bumpers out so they can't get any extra lift. So we'll see if they try to escape again and if so I will have to make some changes.
Not sure what we are going to do??? My plan was to keep them in their cribs for as long as possible, like three! I took their bumpers out so they can't get any extra lift. So we'll see if they try to escape again and if so I will have to make some changes.
{Carter above, Dylan below}
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Something is in the air!
Sorry I have not been doing much blogging this week. I have been swamped at work the past few weeks and had a mini or maybe not so mini stress/panic attack today. (Sorry for any of you who sit near me and had to listen to me yell at my computer.) Then I was driving home tonight and the DJ on the radio was talking about how everyone seemed a little extra stressed today, so hundreds of listeners were calling in with their big stresses of the day. So maybe it is just something in the air. I think it is because it is a holiday on Monday and losing a day of work is not helpful for meeting deadlines! Of course, with that said, I'm really excited to have a three day weekend. YAY!!! Hope all of you have some fun plans. We are staying home and have no plans as of right now.
We let the boys play with sidewalk chalk last weekend. It was fun, but I think they had the most fun piling up the chalk and putting it back in the box.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Carter - the book worm
Lately Carter has had a book in his hand non-stop. It is quite funny to listen to him try to read them, turned upside down most of the time. I'm glad he is enjoying them right now!
Minneapolis Mood Swings
We hit a heatwave in Minneapolis this weekend and even reached the 90's today. No complaints here, I have had enough cold weather for a lifetime. But tonight I had a softball game and thought I would be dying of heat, but instead am feeling quite lucky I wasn't struck by lightening. We were rained on the entire game. We were up by one point and asked the other team if we could call it since lightening was getting close, they insisted we play since they were down. So we had to play through one more inning and managed to pull off the win. Then I quickly headed for my car hoping to not get struck by lightening since I as carrying a metal bat and about a case of beer. Hopefully we will have better weather next week.
{Beth bought some flavor ices and shared them with the boys, they were a hit! I used to consume hundreds of these during the summer months growing up!}
Monday, May 24, 2010
Check out these HUGE Marshmallows
I saw these at the store and thought the boys would think they were fun. At first they had fun stacking them and then they discovered they were edible. Then Carter thought they would be fun to throw and THEN, guess who got one! I only managed to snag half of it back from her. I bet she had a tummy ache from it!! So we had to quit playing with the marshmallows.
Teach Conference
Last week Keith and met with Miss Lydia, Dylan and Carter's teacher, for a conference. We haven't had one since they were in the infant two room so it was fun to hear how they are doing in toddlers. At this age they have a series of tests they do to see what they can/can't do for their age group. Things like stacking blocks, drinking from cup, scribbling, language, etc. There were a handful of categories, but she didn't give us the sheet, so I don't remember all of them. But a few things:
- She said they LOVE story/song time and cry when they have to change activities if they are having a lot of fun
- They keep them busy since they are always climbing on everything
- They don't know colors yet (still a little young), but she said most kids will usually get stuck on one color and think everything is yellow or everything is green, so that should be entertaining
- They are doing much better with biting and pulling hair, but now they are pushing. She said now they are at the age where they start to realize consequences to their actions, like pushing somebody makes their friend "sad" and she said they are starting to realize if they pull somebodies hair it hurts them and they are realizing that is not a good thing.
- I'm always a little worried since they still don't say a lot, but she concerned at all and thought they were in range with most kids and said around two is when most kids start to say a lot

Sunday, May 23, 2010
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Keith, Jess, Dylan, & Carter