Saturday, April 18, 2009

We surrivived a trip to Iowa....until we returned to MN with the FLU!

After a two month break, we got brave enough to make the trip to Iowa with all five of us! The trip went pretty well, I would say an hour tops of crying. We kept busy while home: we saw uncle Adam and aunt Sarah and their new house, we met up with my friend Sara and her 6 week old Dane, made our first visit to Colfax Tractor Parts, we celebrated my brother's birthday at the Big Steer (no steaks for the boys yet), we spent a lot of time with my nephew Cade and of course there was Easter too!


Darter and Dylan

Dylan and Carter

Posted by PicasaCarter
Our trip back to Minnesota went well too and we thought we finally had a good trip back. Then I woke up that night with the flu and was sick all night. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I have had the flu since the 6th grade. This was bad timing because Keith had to go to Clearwater, FL for work Mon-Wed! Fortunately, my mom had planned on coming up to help while Keith was gone, but she ended up taking on a little more than she signed up for!
By Monday morning both boys quickly showed signs of the flu too! So I went to work for two hours and stayed home with them the rest of the day. We were going through diapers and blankets like crazy. I think the washer and dryer were going non-stop for three days. We were sure glad to see Keith when he came home Wednesday night!

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