Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2 weeks old = time for our first trip to Menards



This weekend Keith and I decided to be brave and venture out to Menards with the boys. They will have their own tool belts before we know it.

We decided we better take Keith's truck in case we made a lare would have went for the quad cab.
We discovered last week that the boys really like sleeping in the moses basket- they will be crying in their crib and if we put them in there, they tend to stop crying and go ge purchase. We thought it would be a tight fit in the truck with the two car seats and both of us- and YES, it is a tight fit for the passenger. It looks like we will only be traveling as a family in Keith's truck on "short" trips. If only we knew twins were in our future when we bought it, wto sleep. So now I call it the "magic basket." We just have to hope it keeps working!!
Stella is still adjusting to being #3 instead of #1. So she tends to need attention the most at the hardest times - like when you are trying to feed two babies at once.

1 comment:

Me said...

What cool tool did the babies buy?


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