Today at Target I discovered my ID was not in my wallet. So in a hunt for my birth certificate tonight I came across a couple baby pictures. It's no secret that Olivia gets her big cheeks from me. Took me like 17 years to grow into those babies. Looks like I had a Mohawk too!
And you are wondering if I found my birth certificate? Big no! It appears I have every other possible thing a person might somehow still be hanging onto: college ID, old Iowa ID, college report cards, blood donation certificates, SIPS VIP card, binders of bills, Keith's list of 21 shots on his 21st birthday, which included a signature after each, more great college pictures, all sorts of wedding planning stuff - so you know anything a person might hang on to, except a birth certificate.
Oh - you are thinking I should use my passport. That too expired in April 2012. Crap!