On Friday night all of my girlfriends and their husbands came over to hang out. The boys played Wii the entire time while we chatted like a bunch of old ladies. It was fun to see all the girls, which doesn't happen too often since we live in four different states. We were lucky to see them too because the fog on Friday night was so thick you could probably only see about 10 ft ahead. I am embarrassed to say, but I had been driving in Newton that evening and got lost trying to get out of town!
I had planned on meeting some friends in Des Moines on Saturday, but couldn't make it because of the weather. Fortunately, the roads cleared up on Sunday and we had a nice and safe drive home. We had a lot of fun seeing all our family and friends while home, too bad the week went by so fast. We will plan to make another trip back sometime in February. Keith has class every Saturday from 8-5:00 in January.